IBM AIX-System Administration

Monday 29 October 2012

Job Scheduling /corntab, at

Job Scheduling:

corntab is most used to schedule the jobs in AIX;

To view the list of jobs currently scheduled:
# corntab –l

To create now job scheduling:
# corntab –e (It will open vi editor and after making changes save and quit)

For example: September 21 12:30 AM represents 30:00:21:09:* <command>

#corntab -e 
30:00:21:09 touch /root/abc.txt
Minutes(0-59): Hours(0-23): Date(1-31): Month(1-12): Weak Day(0-6) <command>

Corntab attributes can be stored in /var/adm/corn file, and log will store at /var/adm/corn/log

As a root user can also run corntab
# su - root
You can also schedule a job for the user # corntab -eu <username>
to view the jobs of particular user # corntab -lu <username>

To remove all the scheduled jobs # corntab -r 

To remove all the scheduled jobs of particular user # corntab -ru <username>

To check all the users of corntab # cat /var/adm/corn/corntab/<username> 

At command also used to schedule the job, but it executed once only

To view all the job scheduled with at command:
# at –l

To create job schedule with at command:
# at 11:11 today <command>
# at 10:30
touch /root/abc.txt

You can also deny or allow the corn and at commands using with edit the following files;

#cd  /var/adm.corn
 This command output will list default files corn.deny and corn.allow

# vi corn.deny

#vi corn.allow


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